Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Beat the Christmas nog and Winter slow down

All of us at some point are going to eat more calories than we can burn such is Winter where your body slows down to conserve the energy and increase fat deposition.

Can you beat that??
Yeah 5 simple ways

1.One day of only proteins no vegetables, no sugar, no fat, just proteins like lean grilled chicken with spices,grilled wild salmon or any other fish, soy nuggets with spices,fat free thick yogurt, grilled tofu or low fat paneer.can add oat bran cooked in fat free milk just to keep your bowels moving well. Add 8-10 glasses of water.

Repeat if necessary. Should not be a habitual process.

2.Green tea and Indian ginger masala chai are big on my list.

3.Munch on carrots,instead of peanuts.Eat more vegetables this winter and go easy on starches like bread, rice, pasta, chapati.

4.Jump rope even imaginary for at least 100 times in the morning,

5.An egg/apple a day keeps doctor away.


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