Thursday, August 27, 2015

#VagalNerveStimulation for #WeightLoss and #Depression

Where is Vagus nerve located? : It’s the 10th cranial nerve, longest in course, from head to the stomach.
In the stomach it stimulates smooth muscle contraction and glandular secretions in these organs. For example, in the stomach, the Vagus nerve increases the rate of gastric emptying, and stimulates acid production.

Stimulation of this nerve can be done in many ways:
Surgical /Endoscopic and Yoga

My favorite is Yoga and Pranayama, Chakra balancing causing vibrations through the nerve’s entire course.

I have researched in books and Internet about this due to personal interest and practiced this and then decided to share with people.

Chakra balancing can be learnt via a Healer is the best way or some can be learnt by seeing YouTube videos.
Same goes for Pranayama
One can also search Internet for Vagal Nerve stimulation by Yoga.

I have just started telling my patients how to easily us this technique to suppress appetite. It’s safe and can be done at home or office and no pills, no procedures.

Good luck.

Friday, August 14, 2015

‪#‎UricAcid‬, ‪#‎Diabetes‬ and ‪#‎Obesity‬...the related cousins

URIC ACID: This one test is very important while treating patients for Metabolic diseases. There is almost always an increased Uric acid if you are overweight.


What does Fructose/Sucrose do? 
It casues increase in Uric Acid by high Nucleotide turnover and oxidative stress in other words fat accumulation. This leads to increase incidence of Metabolic diseases and Diabetes.

Not many people know about stopping all sugars is the first step to lower Uric Acid
(sucrose the table sugar and fructose present as corn syrup in varitey of boxed and packed items and cold drinks).

Whereas there is lot of confusion what to eat and what no to eat,  I have compiled an easy list especially for my Indian patients.

To Eat/Drink: 
Slow release whole carbs like oats, whole wheat, brown rice
Fruits low in sugar like apples and pears

Not to Eat/Drink
Sugar: table sugar
Fructose( cold drinks, fruit juices, corn syrup, too much honey)
Organ meats like Liver 
Shrimp and Lobster

To Eat less
Lean meats like chicken/turkey

Interesting Fact: You can still drink a glass of Red Wine.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

How fat is your liver?

Fatty Liver:
Its one of the most commonly seen problems in Asian population.

Fatty Liver can be diagosed via ultrasound of the abdomen, usually its an incidental finding. No many people will go looking for it.

How does it happen? 
Liver is a regenerative organ, it is the place in our body where most metabolic processes take place, so if we eat fat laden food or food very rich in carbohyrates and fat or even alcohol, the liver is not able to process the excess and starts storing fat molecules. Some drugs and chemicals can also cause it. So best is to speak to your health care provider for the monitroing the drug levels.There are grades of fatty liver. Grade 0-3, zero being no fatty liver and 3 being high fatty liver.

Do you have to be alcoholic to have it or even other people can have it?
People who consume no alochol can also have it. Its called NAFLD/NASH(Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease/Non Alcoholic SteatoHepatitis).
If you are consuming excess calories or consuming more carbohydrates and fat or have pre-diabetes or diabetes. The liver is inflamed and also can lead to cirrhosis and eventually Liver failure.
But if you drink alcohol it can worsen the NAFLD.

Can you prevent it/reverse it?
Prevention of fatty liver can happen if you watch your alcohol intake, food intake, type of food (processed or natural) and make some form of exercise as a part of your daily regime.
Reversal is not possible if the grade of fatty liver is more than 3 but you can still halt progress into cirrhosis.

Interesting fact: Starvation can lead to fatty liver too.

Monday, August 3, 2015

10 essentials for a weight loss journey

Lot of people start starving to lose weight and get nutritionally deficient, result is hair loss, bad skin, low memory, low energy, irritable mood.

  1. ·      Adequate water intake
  2. ·      Whole grain for sustained energy and fullness
  3. ·      Get a good multivitamin
  4. ·      Enough proteins to keep the immune system healthy
  5. ·      Get your raw vegetables and salads/low sugar fruit at least twice a day.
  6. ·      Get some exercise; don’t go running marathons if you are on low calorie diet, take a walk.
  7. ·      Have good fats (nuts in limited quantities), they keep you full.
  8. ·      Avoid simple sugars as cheats; cheat on whole grain if you have to.
  9. ·      Don’t eat late night.
  10. ·      Avoid alcohol as much as possible.