Common sense weight loss tips.
Who are most successful dieters in this world
Who change bad eating habits forever
Who know what they eat and when to stop
Who exercise at least half hour daily.
Unsuccessful dieters are
Yo yo dieters
Want fast results
Don’t want to change
May not be aware of harmful foods
Very busy in personal life like too many things to
accomplish in the day.
Simple solutions no magic just common sense.
No need to count points or calories
Eat smaller portion of whatever you eat
Eat sized portion here is a rough guide
Palm sized for bread
Tennis ball size for protein and pingpong ball for sweets
No need to hit the gym simple workout plans are easy to do
at home like jumping imaginary rope, jumping jacks, knee high kicks, straight
arm rotations.
Such high intensity for 10 min per day will affect your
weight and metabolism like you never imagined before.
Eat slowly take time tell your brain you ate
Drink up an unsweetened beverage before the meal
Hunger and thirst are perceived as similar by brain so stay
If you really want to lose lot of weight and stay thin then
go slow 2 lbs loss a week is a rough guide.
Don’t be haunted by idea of weight loss all day, eat normal
every now and then just go low on one meal a day especially dinner.
Check what you eat, every morsel you eat will get stored
somewhere unless burnt or used by body for energy.
Trust yourself.