Monday, May 30, 2016


How often do we find ourselves reading labels of the very attractive #healthy#diet foods before buying them....?
6-7 out of 10 people feel happy they do.... but how many of those who do... really understand it...?
Well... the figures might not really please you!
In the next five minutes of this read.... you will find yourself  “smart enough to decode” these fascinating claims of nutrition facts mentioned on your favourite food items

Serving Size

First step in label reading is checking the serving size. The amount for which the label claims the product to be ‘fat free/low fat/zero trans fat’..etc. might not match the amount you actually eat

Serving size for favourite chips (as can be seen in this label) to be fat free is 15 chips...!! How many of us actually satisfy eating 15 slices of yummy fried potatoes...?

Calories (and calories from fat/sugars)
Calories help us count the amount of energy we get from serving size of any food. Mostly we eat more calories than required while lacking other nutrient requirements.

This food label of packaged meat has serving size of 56g... ideally a medium size chunk of meat. Total calories provided are 60 out of which 20 calories are from fat that is almost 1/3rd of these calories would come from fat. many servings you consume is the total amount calories you actually eat.
Note the calories for one serving and the number of servings in every container. Be careful about the portion size that you eat and “do the math” to decide on the number of portions you can eat...!

Percent daily values (%DV)
[Recommendations as per the FDA guidelines]
Mostly.., the nutrient label shows ‘percent daily value’ (%DV) supplied by a serving, that is how much of the recommended daily requirement can be supplied by one portion of that product.
 DVs are based on a 2000 calorie diet. (as metioned in the above label)
Considering the average height of Indians (5’2” -5’6” feet) and increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity...... your calorie requirement would be lower than 2000 kcal/day and so will be the %DV.
Interpret the Percent Daily Value...
Nutrients with %DV of 5 or less are considered “low... those with  %DV of 10-19 are considered good sources” while the %DV of 20 or more are considered “high or rich sources”.

The nutrients:watch your priority
Limit these
Includes fats, saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, sugar and sodium as these increase the risk of certain chronic diseases of liver, affect your heart health, lead to a few types of cancers and make you gain those extra kilos of weight..!
Recommendation is to consume them in amounts as low as possible.
Get enough of these
Eating sufficient of these improves overall health and helps reduce risk of certain diseases. For example, taking enough calcium reduces the risk of osteoporosis and eating sufficient amount of dietary fiber promotes healthy bowel function.

                              Lastly...., Always remember to review the ingredient list. Ingredients are sequenced in the orer of maximum to minimum content. Pay particular attention to the top five items listed. Ingredients containing sugars often end in –ose. Term hydrogenated signals that processed, trans or saturated fats may have been used. Sodium containing additives may be present in multiple forms. In an effort to lower the amount of heavily processed food consumed, look for ingredient containing more nutrient-dense food items and fewer additives.


Tuesday, May 24, 2016


The term Fat doesn’t always mean that you’ll just gain weight by the intake of it or as few may think even just by mentioning the term. You don’t have to avoid it all from your diet; infact, if chosen wisely and in moderation, fats from lowering cholesterol and helping shed excess weight to giving you shiny and healthy hair & nails; promotes good health.
You just need to know the right kinds and can easily live it up the right way!!!
·      Nuts & Nut Butter, add nuts to vegetables or indulge into a bread slice with peanut butter, or just have a handful of walnuts/almonds as an evening snack, which would keep cholesterol at bay, thereby reducing the risk of heart diseases.Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and can be eaten in various forms.
·      Seeds & Seed Oils(Sunflower,Sesame,Pumpkin,Flaxseeds), Being rich in Polyunsaturated fatty acids, they help in managing cholesterol and preventing heart problems.
·      Vegetable Oils(Olive,Peanut,Canola), Being rich in Monounsaturated fatty acids, these are cholesterol friendly and helps prevent heart diseases.
·      Coconut Oil Since it contains Medium chain fatty acids, it not only helps in preventing various heart problems, also is helpful in reducing abdominal obesity in women.
·      Seafood(Salmon,Herring,Sardines,Trout,Cod liver oil,Prawns), Being rich in Omega-3 fatty acids,they help lower blood pressure & decrease the risk of coronary heart diseases.

In addition, one can also keep the following points in mind to help reduce the total amount of fat in the diet:

Ø Choose a diet rich in whole grains, raw vegetables & fruits.

Ø Limit your consumption of highly processed foods, bakery products and fried products, sources of Trans fat, which help increase the bad cholesterol (LDL).

By Aditi Shrishrimal: Health coach at LNF

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Sugar Addiction is real find ways to quit

Sugar Sugar on my mind.

I come across so many people who always ask me doc can I eat some sweet post my meal everyday? Or I have a sweet tooth and I cant live without some sweet everyday.
That sounds familiar?

Sugar is addictive and numerous studies have shown it to be very very addictive.

Lot of people argue: but but shouldn't we eat sugar for energy, what do you mean give up sugar, how will we live?

In addition to weight gain, excess sugar can also cause inflammation, have adverse effects on your heart, increase your risk for diabetes and possibly cause kidney damage.

Giving up sugar now or never that's how it works . 

Learn the difference between natural and artificial sugar. 

If you consume large quantities of sugar give it up now. It works like now or never.  I have myself tried to do slow quitting but cravings always comes back.

Go easy in a party don't let one night of fun ruin your sugar quitting, as party will end but cravings will not.

While buying, read food labels carefully (we will be doing a section on that.)

Alcohol also contains sugar. So called empty calories.

Artificial sweeteners as low- calorie replacements have a variety of side effects.

   Contributions also by Aditi Shrishrimal Health Coach at LNF.